Friday, August 15, 2008

We had a voice and now we get a Vote!

Two weeks before the big night it was finally determined the Hillary delegates will get to have a vote at the convention. This happened because of a grassroots movement by delegates who want what is best for the party. I talk to a lot of the Hillary delegates from all over the country and they all feel very strongly that this is the only way for the party to unite. I couldn't agree more. What people seem to forget is this was a very close election. So close that Hillary and Obama could not secure the nomination without the votes at the convention by the super delegates. Once Florida and Michigan are counted Hillary will have more individual votes and Obama will have more delegates. I realize Obama was not on the ballot in Michigan so no matter how you slice and dice it there is not a clear cut way to determine who got the most individual votes. It is just like the 2000 elections. Gore got more votes and W got more electoral votes, but we were told to just move on. When you know a system is flawed it is hard to move on. This is why many Hillary supporters have a hard time moving on. When I say Hillary supporters I am generalizing and these are not necessarily my views, I am simply bringing up what I know from the loyal Hillary supporters.
I just think 18 million people deserve to have a vote at the convention and then when Hillary does not secure the needed delegates we all unite behind Obama. Since the system is flawed this will make it a little easier to have a clear winner. The Hillary supporters just need closure and I strongly believe this is how we have closure. We need to all come together and beat McCain. The reality is many votes will just start to engage after labor day.
I am proud of the role I played in trying to shatter the glass ceiling and I will be proud of the role I will play in electing the first African American!


Gloria Feldt said...

Very well said, Dana. I cannot understand why anyone, especially Obama, would want to be anything less than generous to Hillary Clinton about getting the recognition she deserves. It can only be beneficial to him in the general election to have given her respect. It brings her supporters to him and it makes him look much better than if he presses to keep her from her due.

Unknown said...

Great information!
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